Koos Buster (1991) zorgde de afgelopen jaren voor een keramiekrenaissance in Nederland. In 2022 presenteerde hij als zelf benoemd Minister van keramische zaken bij Gallery Vriend van Bavink de expositie “The ministry of Ceramic Affairs”. In zijn werk eert en conserveert Koos Buster vaak alledaagse voorwerpen door ze te bevriezen in keramiek. Met zijn onmiskenbare artistieke lijnen in keramiek maakt Koos Buster van het gewone iets vrolijks en kostbaars en viert hij zo het object.

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Koos Buster - ‘exhibition view SOlO


Koos Buster (b. 1991) graduated from the Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam in 2018 with a series of self-made ‘Delft Blue’ ceramic plates, featuring illustrations of "things I don’t really like." From that moment, Koos became part of a small renaissance in ceramic arts, calling himself the "Minister of Ceramic Affairs" and playing a significant role in the growing popularity of the medium.

During his time at the academy, Koos experienced the traumatic loss of someone close to him. In clay, he found a therapeutic outlet. As a counterbalance to his sadness, he chose to create only things that made him smile and brought him happiness. When people feel down, they often find comfort in small things—a memory, a gesture, or an object. Koos discovered that by taking everyday objects often overlooked, reproducing them in his unique style, and placing them on a pedestal, he could bring joy to both himself and those around him.

Whether the subject is a humble water tank, a camera, a cleaning cart, a spray cleaner, a book, a slush puppy, or a fire extinguisher, Koos Buster elevates it to an iconic and artistic level. His distinctive, colorful style highlights the importance of happy imperfections.

What Koos Buster appreciates about ceramics is its versatility. Ceramics are both precious and historically rich. He loves the fragile nature of the material: it is durable and will last indefinitely if left untouched, but it can break easily—something that serves as a metaphor for many aspects of life.

Koos Buster’s work has been included in various collections, and he has participated in numerous museum exhibitions, including a solo presentation at Museum MORE in 2024.

Scroll down for the CV of Koos Buster

Request information about Artworks by Koos Buster

mail us at galerie@vriendvanbavink.nl


Button for world peace, ceramics, approx 5 x 7 x 2 cm

Curriculum Vitae

Koos Buster ( 1991 )


2013-2018           Fine Arts and Design, Ceramic Department, Gerrit Rietveld Academie


2024 ‘Breekbaar’ - Group show at CODA

2024 ‘To each their own’ - Group show at Museum Arnhem

2024 ‘Het had ook anders kunnen zijn’ - Solo exhibition at Museum More Kasteel Ruurlo

2024 Uit armoede’- Group show at Stedelijk Museum Schiedam

2024 Pioniers in Keramiek’- Groupshow at Museum Princenhof Delft

2024 Art Rotterdam with Gallery Vriend van Bavink

2023 Unseen with Gallery Vriend van Bavink

2023 Koos Buster - Solo - Gallery Vriend van Bavink, Amsterdam

2023 Art Rotterdam with Gallery Vriend van Bavink, Amsterdam

2022 The Ministry of Ceramic Affairs , Gallery Vriend van Bavink, Amsterdam

2020                                 Room on the Roof  , Koos Buster ,  Amsterdam, NL

2020                                 Unfair   Amsterdam, NL

2020                                 Palm Spring Museum , Los Angeles, USA

2020                                 Supermarket Art Fair, Stockholm, SE

2020                    Collaboration with CHT Fransen

2019-2020          De Wachtkamer van Roos Bustek , National Glass Museum, Leerdam, NL

2019-2020           Gewoon Bijzonder, Galerie 38cc, Paul Tetar van Elven Museum , Delft, NL

2019        BaxBuster , Art Platform De Apotheek , Amsterdam, NL

2018             SBK sprouts young talents , Visual Arts Foundation   Amsterdam, NL

2018            50 years Gerrit Rietveld Academie           Gerrit Rietveld Academie               Amsterdam, NL

2018               Fons Welters Gallery      Amsterdam, NL

2018             Cleaner Cleaners , Beelden Aan Zee             The Hague, NL

2018             Graduation Show            Gerrit Rietveld Academie             Amsterdam, NL

2018             Art Loot              Pop up gallery Zeedijk    Amsterdam, NL

2016       Cleaning              Club Sandwich   Amsterdam, NL

2016         Bloemen – van verre      Frans Hals Museum         Haarlem, NL

2016             Rietveld Uncut Brakke Grond                    Amsterdam, NL

Commissioned work

2019      Birdhouses, Feeders and other ceramic solutions for Thijs de Zeeuw

2018      Exchange trophies, Museum night Amsterdam

2018      Berlage Fund, commissioned by Ben Zeegers

2018      Nose brackets, commissioned by Lisa Schamble

2017      Thesis Illustrations, Lois Richard

2017      Ceramic Revolver, part of Graduation work by Lois Richard, KABK