Esther Kokmeijer




esther kokmeijer


Curiosity and wonder is my primary motivation. The world at large, in all its connections and movements, forms the main focus of my work, finding expression in journeys, installations, interventions, photo series, documentaries, sculptures, film essays, books, and performances among others. I’m questioning the origins of nature through mapping the intersections between man-made and ‘natural’ forms of reality. I wonder how ‘landscapes’ are given shape by people and vice versa. This stems from my urge to discover, order and represent the world’s (natural) phenomena on the macro and micro level. For many of my works I collaborate with scientists and other professionals from different background. I’m interested in how art and science can reinforce each other. With these cross-disciplinary collaborative projects I intent to open up alternative routes to lucid and ‘visual comprehension’ of scientific research. Among other I’m interested in the coherence between mysticism and science. In my work as an artist, explorer and designer, I mainly focus on the interaction between human and their natural environment. In many of my works the ‘Global Commons’ play a role. A term typically used to describe international, supranational, and global resource domains. Global commons include the Earth’s shared natural resources, such as the high oceans, the atmosphere and outer space and the Antarctic in particular. As possibilities for travelling have become nearly endless, nowadays we tend to move more than ever before. Ideally, travelling leads to greater awareness of the outside world. It makes the world smaller and larger at the same time. My work is permeated by this paradox. Most of my works originate in extensive and goal-oriented journeys, whereby also the travelling itself is part of the work. During my travels I intent to explore quantifiable positions guided by geodetic approaches to mapping, climatology and the (sometimes arbitrary) boundaries between politics and topography. Other recurring motifs and questions in my work are; How do myths and sagas express and shape mankind’s relationship with nature? How do we relate to and work with the elements and our environment? How do they exert influence on us? More importantly, what are humanity’s effects on geological and biological processes? What can we learn from indigenous knowledge systems, can it deepen or induce a more sustainable relationship to our natural environment, and will it bring more solidarity with the landscape? My artistic journeys are driven by a quest for the deep history of the earth. Geographic strata serve as diaries and are archived in nature as well as in the mind. Geography literally means ‘to describe the Earth’, in my work I would try to depict her in a poetic way and to render the visible the invisible. While Travelling I Acquire (Vacando Acquiro / Reizend Verwerf ik) Life credo borrowed from W.O.J. Nieuwenkamp (1874-1950)


Curriculum Vitae Esther Kokmeijer

Esther Kokmeijer | Brantgum ( Friesland), 1977

Lives and works in Rotterdam


2013 - 2014       Minor Arctic and Antarctic Studies / RUG University of Groningen ( / Groningen

1996 - 2001       Graphic Design / Constantijn Huygens, Institute of the Arts ( / Kampen

1995 - 1996       Fine art / Constantijn Huygens, Institute of the Arts ( / Kampen

Fellowships, stipends, grants, prizes and nominations ( selection )

2018     The power of 10 / prize and grant /

2018     Project grant / Mondriaan Fonds

2015     Development and research grant / CBK Rotterdam

2014     Grant proven talent / Mondriaan Fonds

2014     Nomination Dolf Henkes / Tent (

2013     Development and research grant / CBK Rotterdam

2011     Publication grant / Stroom Den Haag

Exhibitions ( selection )

2020      Art Rotterdam , Gallery Vriend van Bavink ( Stand 74 )

2019     Pleuriversum / installation at group show / Arti et Amicitiae / Amsterdam

2019     La inhalación de un aliento de carbono oceánico / group show / Etopia / Zaragoza (SP)

2019     If Paradise Is Half As Nice #9 / residency + exhibition / Zeitz (DE)

2018     Time within Time - Vapour / installation / Verbeke Foundation / Kemzeke (BE)

2018     Solid, Liquid, Vapour / solo show / Tent / Rotterdam

2017     Becoming Waves / solo expo / Fries Museum / Leeuwarden

2017     Wave Navigation / workshop / Harvard University / Harvard (US)

2016     Agency of Living Organisms / group show / Tabakalera / San Sebastian (SP)

2016     Diary of a Polar Traveller / solo show / Bewaerschole / Schouwen

2016     Nature proof / solo show / Satellietgroep / Monster

2016     Summon Wind, Call for Rain, Disperse Fog / solo show / MU / Eindhoven

2015     A Casa Ovenque in Europa / solo show / Vetry / Orvieto (IT)

2014     Dolf Henkes Price / nomination, group show / Tent / Rotterdam

2014     Sheep - LAM360 / Landart Bienale / Ulaanbaatar (MON)

2014     (呼风唤雨) Summon Wind, Call for Rain / solo show / IFP / Bejing (CN)

2012     Couple / solo show / Gyeonggi Creation Center / Daebudo (KR)

2012     Six Degrees of Conjunction / solo show / Satellietgroep / Scheveningen

2012     Hoogtij / solo show / Gemak / Den Haag

2012     Ode / solo show / Bewaerschole / Burgh Haamstede

2012     The more you take, The more I give / solo show and artist talk / Heden / Den Haag

2010     Contains the EU / solo show / Casa Vertigo / Eindhoven


CBK (Rotterdam, The Netherlands), Spaces (10 City’s World Wide), Verbeke Foundation (Kemzeke, Belgium), Europas Parkas (Vilnius, Lithuania)  and various private collections.

Publications ( Selection )

2019  A polar traveler / book about the migration of The Arctic Tern /

2019     A journey, the centre of gravity and home / about the journey to the 27 countries of the EU

2016     Agreement with Nature / Agency of Living Organisms

2014     Sheep / book / Journey from China to Mongolia with a sheep as travel partner

2011     On Time, In Place / Publication exhibition On Time, In Place / text: Lorenzo Benedetti

2008     A Summary of the World / ISBN: 978-90-79344-01-7