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Art Rotterdam with a solo by Itamar Gilboa

Gallery Vriend van Bavink
Art Rotterdam 2019 
6 – 10 February – Booth 7

In his work Itamar Gilboa is inspired by the power of numbers and the influence of science. He reflects upon himself and his personal experiences through research and data collection. For his previous project Food Chain Project he created over 8000 sculptures embodying everything he consumed in one year time. Now, instead of focusing on his behavior, the artist researches the relationship between identity and his body. With his project Body of Work Gilboa aims to explore the meaning of the self, while innovating the self-portrait.
Body of Work is a conceptual self-portrait made with advanced medical technology. With the data derived from his research he creates works representing his own body: a body of flesh and blood, an interplay of organs, bones and, more abstractly, his mind. Gilboa works in diverse media: photography, video and sculptures. The latter, in reflecting materials such as mirror and chrome, blur the distinction between self and other and shift the focus to the relationship between identity and the body.

Earlier Event: December 27
This Art Fair 2018